Geoffrey | February 22, 2022
Soon after President Obama picked Elena Kagan for the Supreme Court, NPR correspondent Nina Totenberg on the May 14, 2010 Inside Washington gushed that Kagan was "spectacularly successful" at Harvard Law School and "spectacularly successful" at the Clinton White House.
Geoffrey | January 14, 2022
On the June 8, 2021 NBC Nightly News, anchor Lester Holt actually pressed Vice President Kamala Harris on her lack of visits to the US-Mexico border.
Geoffrey | December 17, 2021
  “There are so many people who are so proud of Kamala Harris. I love the interview she did yesterday with Jane Pauley on Sunday Morning. At one point she was running for student government and they were saying, ‘Not your time, not your time,’ and she says whenever people tell her no she ‘eats no for breakfast.’ I like that way of thinking, ‘She eats no for breakfast.’”— CBS This Morning co-host…
Geoffrey | December 17, 2021
  “Just listening to the words and the song and seeing the lights, President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President Harris pulled the grief and regret out of the privacy of our hearts, if just for a moment, so that we all could share it....What a first step. What a beautiful step....I’m reminded of the Psalmist, you know? ‘He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.’ Maybe the dead will…
Geoffrey | December 14, 2021
“If you voted for Trump, you voted for the person who the Klan supported. You voted for the person who Nazis support. You voted for the person who the alt-right supports. That’s the crowd that you are in.”— Host Don Lemon on CNN Tonight with Don Lemon, January 14, 2021. 
Geoffrey | December 13, 2021
It was a challenging task but an esteemed panel of NewsBusters editors led by MRC President L.Brent Bozell and MRC’s Vice President for Research and Publications Brent Baker boiled down all the biased outbursts from lefty hack hosts, anchors, reporters and pundits in 2021 and declared a winner(s.)
Geoffrey | November 8, 2021
On the November 7, 2021 edition of FNC’s MediaBuzz, host Howard Kurtz and Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Glenn Greenwald underlined how devastating Steel dossier source Igor Danchenko’s arrest is to the media’s credibility. Crossposted on NewsBusters.
Geoffrey | September 2, 2021
Crossposted on NewsBusters. Mark Levin brought the proverbial flamethrower to Joe Biden on the September 1, 2021 edition of FNC's Hannity as he scolded the President: "You have blood on your hands". The nationally syndicated radio talk show host left no part of the administration unscathed for their abandonment of Americans and allies in Afghanistan.
Geoffrey | July 30, 2021
"He is our own American war criminal of a kind we’ve never experienced before….Trump’s crimes as an American war criminal in his own country that he has perpetrated upon our people, including the tens of thousands of people who died because of his homicidal negligence in the pandemic, putting his own electoral interest above the health of our people as they were slaughtered in this pandemic."—…
Geoffrey | July 14, 2021
In March 1993, ABC’s Diane Sawyer traveled to Cuba to interview Fidel Castro for Prime Time Live, but only once did she raise the issue of human rights abuses and political prisoners. Upon the dictator’s denial, she dropped the matter completely. The remainder of the interview had the coziness of a People profile.