Geoffrey | August 11, 2009
Chris Matthews, on Tuesday's "Hardball," painted town hall protestors as racist as he charged, "I think some of the people are upset because we have a black president."
Geoffrey | August 4, 2009
Chris Matthews, on Tuesday's, "Hardball" invited on California Senator Barbara Boxer to dismiss the increasing number of townhall protestors opposed to Obama's liberal agenda as the "angry, and "noisy," "well-dressed middle-class people in pinks and limes...Brooks Brothers Brigade."
Geoffrey | August 4, 2009
On the syndicated "The Chris Matthews Show," over the weekend, Chris Matthews and his panel linked the GOP and conservatives to the birthers movement and accused them of playing racial politics.
Geoffrey | July 22, 2009
Matt Lauer, on Wednesday's "Today" show hit Senator Jim DeMint over his statement that health care reform could be Barack Obama's Waterloo as the "Today" co-host accused, "People are saying that you are playing pure politics with this issue...Are you rallying conservatives to the cause of breaking a President?"
Geoffrey | July 21, 2009
Chris Matthews, on Monday's "Hardball," invited on Dan Rather to remember Walter Cronkite and the former CBS News anchor – famously fired for letting his bias spiral out of control during the George W. Bush National Guard story – called Cronkite "a straight news reporter," and claimed Cronkite advised him and others at CBS News to "Tell it straight without fear or favoritism."
Geoffrey | July 15, 2009
Chris Matthews honors the 30th anniversary of Jimmy Carter's "malaise" speech with his former bosses in the Carter White House, including the New Yorker's Hendrick Hertzberg who hails Carter as a "prophet," and favorably compares him to Barack Obama.
Geoffrey | July 14, 2009
Bill Maher and Chris Matthews slam non-liberal Southerners and Republicans as racist in Sonia Sotomayor segment.
Geoffrey | June 16, 2009
Chris Matthews says conservatives are engaging in "idiot talk."
Geoffrey | June 11, 2009
Chris Matthews links Sarah Palin to Holocaust Museum shooting.
Geoffrey | June 7, 2009
  ABC national correspondent Claire Shipman: “I think it’s also hard when you look at [Supreme Court nominee Sonia] Sotomayor’s record and look at the cases, it’s very hard for people to make the case that she’s a typical, you know, elite liberal judicial philosopher. I mean, really, she’s not....” Liberal Atlanta Journal-Constitution columnist Cynthia Tucker: “As Claire just said, her opinions…