| September 4, 2009
Senator Mark Warner (D-Va.) said there is "no place" in the Constitution that mentions health care, or education, or even gives people the right to own a telephone. | September 4, 2009
If the health-care reform bill under consideration in the House of Representatives becomes law, seniors will pay Medicare prescription drug program premiums that are 20-percent higher than they would be under current law, says the Congressional Budget Office. | September 3, 2009
House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) said that passing health care reform through "reconciliation" -- 51 votes in Senate instead of 60 -- is part of Democratic process. | September 2, 2009
House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D.-Md.) told a town hall meeting that the health care bill would not lead to a tax hike or deficit spending, and that if it was not paid for he would not vote for it. | September 2, 2009
Anyone who posts comments on the White House’s Facebook, MySpace, YouTube and Twitter pages will have their statements captured and permanently archived by the federal government, according to a plan that the White House is now seeking a contractor to carry out. | September 2, 2009
U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan said he is a fan of "good" charter schools, not all charter schools, and those that are not performing should be closed down. | September 1, 2009
( – President Barack Obama’s mid-year budget update includes $622 billion in purported health care “savings” but doesn't count the costs of the proposed health care reforms. | August 26, 2009
Democratic Rep. Jim Moran falsely accused a constituent attending a town hall meeting of pretending to be someone else. | August 25, 2009
The former commander of the U.S.S. Cole assailed the release of a terrorist suspected of murdering U.S. soldiers. | August 24, 2009 White House Correspondent Fred Lucas discusses his story about a White House spokesman’s comment that President Obama is “quite comfortable” with the idea of being a one-term president: