Joe Schoffstall | June 4, 2010
(h/t, I offer exclusive coverage of a second protest rally held Thursday evening. It shows a growing number of people are taking to the streets to protest the Turkish government's involvement with the Gaza-bound flotilla trying to breach an Israeli blockade.
Joe Schoffstall | June 3, 2010
Earlier on Thursday, an e-mail from the Minerals Management Service's (MMS) supervisor of field operations for the Gulf of Mexico, said that drilling would be stopped in shallow waters in the Gulf due to the recent oil rig explosion. Now, the Interior Department has denied this. A spokesman from the department said "shallow water drilling may continue as long as oil and gas operations satisfy…
Joe Schoffstall | June 3, 2010
James Cameron, the all-knowing, all-mighty filmmaker is angry at the BP "morons" in charge of the the oil spill making it's way towards Florida, and he's letting everyone know. "Over the last few weeks I've watched, as we all have, with growing horror and heartache, watching what's happening in the Gulf and thinking those morons don't know what they're doing," Cameron said at the All Things…
Joe Schoffstall | June 3, 2010
AssociatedPress — June 02, 2010 — As the crude crept closer to Florida, the risky effort to contain the nation's worst oil spill hit a snag Wednesday when a diamond-edged saw became stuck in a thick pipe on a blown-out well at the bottom of the Gulf. (June 2)
Joe Schoffstall | June 3, 2010
AssociatedPress — June 02, 2010 — Former Governor Rod Blagojevich's racketeering and fraud trial is due to get under way Thursday. The former governor, who is accused of trying to sell Pres. Obama's former Senate seat, has pleaded not guilty. (June 3)
Joe Schoffstall | June 2, 2010
Britain. They have some of the toughest gun laws in the world, and anti-gun proponents would claim that could only lead to positive results, right? Wrong. According to the UK’s Daily Telegraph who filed for a FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) to obtain the figures, the results for those advocating looser gun restriction laws could not be better. The report shows in Britain at least one in three…
Joe Schoffstall | June 2, 2010
Governor Chris Christie: Superbowl 2014 -(From GovChristie YouTube Channel)
Joe Schoffstall | June 1, 2010
EyeblastTV came across this video showing a top view of what happened during the flotilla incident- as mentioned in our earlier blog post on Israel's response to the incident. It appears that the following video is similar to the claims made by Israel. "The “Gaza Freedom Flotilla” set sail last week for the Hamas-controlled Gaza region, claiming to be carrying humanitarian aid. Israeli…
Joe Schoffstall | June 1, 2010
Top View of Flotilla Incident Showing Israeli Soldiers Being Attacked.
Joe Schoffstall | June 1, 2010
The “Gaza Freedom Flotilla” set sail last week for the Hamas-controlled Gaza region, claiming to be carrying humanitarian aid. Israeli Navy ships requested late Sunday night that the activists change course from Gaza to Ashdod, where they would be able to unload their aid material, which would then be transferred over land to Gaza after undergoing security inspections. The activists refused and…