papagiorgio200 | September 3, 2012
Ravi Zacharias responds with "precise language" to a written question. With his patented charm and clarity, Ravi responds to the challenge of exclusivity in Christianity that skeptics challenge us with. (Posted by: Religio-Political Talk)For more reasonable thinking like this, visit:
papagiorgio200 | September 2, 2012
Could't Resist (Posted by Religio-Political Talk)
papagiorgio200 | September 2, 2012
Hitchcock. This scene came to mind after a religious debate:
papagiorgio200 | August 30, 2012
Michael Medved interviews president of Citizens United, David Bossie. What I didn't know is that the government was arguing for banning political books. Crazy! (Posted by Religio-Political Talk)For more clear thinking like this from Michael Medved... I invite you to visit:
papagiorgio200 | August 29, 2012
From the 2012 Republican National Convention.
papagiorgio200 | August 28, 2012
In this short segment a speech from Obama, circa 2008, is used with Democratic tactics today. (Posted by Religio-Political Talk)
papagiorgio200 | August 25, 2012
I combine two segments from Gallagher and Elder that better explain what the hell Akin so clumsily said. (Posted by: Religio-Political Talk) They reject -- of course -- the comment about the impregnation percentages women experience who are rapped. There are no stats/science/medical info to back this idea up. But these two lay out what Akin should be saying and bemoan the lack of the Republicans…
papagiorgio200 | August 25, 2012
In Ohio, Mitt Romney parodies Obama's and Warren's "You didn't build that" comment (Posted by Religio-Political Talk) The longer version of this can be found here:
papagiorgio200 | August 19, 2012
I am posting this for audio on my blog:
papagiorgio200 | August 19, 2012
One of my favorite bits by them.