On his MSNBC show, Cenk Uygur jumps on a poll showing Paul Ryan with a 26% unfavorability rating to declare that America "can't stand" the Wisconsin congressman and that the 26% unfavorable rating is "disastrous."Question for Cenk: if a 26% unfavorable rating is that bad, how would you describe Nancy Pelosi's unfavorable rating of . . . 63%?
On his MSNBC show, Cenk Uygur jumps on a poll showing Paul Ryan with a 26% unfavorability rating to declare that America "can't stand" the Wisconsin congressman and that the 26% unfavorable rating is "disastrous."Question for Cenk: if a 26% unfavorable rating is that bad, how would you describe Nancy Pelosi's unfavorable rating of . . . 63%?
NBC Apologizes For Editing Out Portion Of Pledge--But Doesn't Mention Omitted Words Were 'Under God'
In its feature segment opening its coverage of the final round of the US Open golf championship, NBC omitted the words "under God" from video of schoolchildren reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. NBC apologized later in the broadcast for omitting "a portion" of the Pledge, but didn't mention that the omitted words were "under God."
On his MSNBC show, Cenk Uygur says that "the Republican vision of Jesus" is "to tell the poor and needy to pound sand."
On Morning Joe, Jim Vandehei of Politico says that "if you talk to any single reporter at any media organization that we're aware of, I don't think that anyone thinks she can be president or should be president."
On Morning Joe, when Mika Brzezinski tried to report the comments of RNC Chairman Reince Priebus on Weinergate, Joe Scarborough shouts her down and shuts the comments out. "It's just stupid. Just shut up," says Scarborough of Priebus.
On the Early Show, CBS legal correspondent Jan Crawford says the MSM's frantic search for something damaging in the Sarah Palin email release says more about the media and their views than about Palin. Guest John Avlon calls the media frenzy "indecent and creepy."
Joe Scarborough defends Morning Joe's decision to black out coverage during its first half-hour of Anthony Weiner's press conference of the day before in which he admitted lying about his activities.
The day after Anthony Weiner's press conference in which he admitted sending lewd photos to women other than his wife, Morning Joe blacks out any coverage of the matter during its first half-hour.
On Morning Joe, feminist Jessica Valenti, proponent of so-called "Slut" Walks, dodges Mika Brzezinski's question as to whether she'd want her daughter to dress like one.