CNN Commends Pelosi Defending Law With ‘Historic’ Impeachment Inquiry

Nicholas Fondacaro | September 24, 2019
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***To read the full blog, please check out the complete post on NewsBusters***

Immediately following House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s Tuesday (D-CA) address announcing Democrats were moving forward with the impeachment process against President Trump, CNN praised it as a truly “historic” moment. They even went so far as to reassure their tiny audience that the Speaker understood the “utmost gravity” of the situation the country was in, and to not get discouraged by the “circus-like atmosphere” that was to come.

Moments after Pelosi wrapped up her announcement to the eagerly awaiting liberal media, CNN host Wolf Blitzer declared it a “very important historic announcement.” “[S]he repeatedly suggested there were violations of law, there was violations of the constitution, and as a result, it justifies the beginning of a new phase in this entire impeachment potential process,” he added.

The first panelist Blitzer leaned on was chief political correspondent Dana Bash, who wasted no in gushing about Pelosi’s delivery:

The fact that she gave a preamble about her experience on the Intelligence Committees, that she comes at this not just from understanding the law, how things are supposed to work, but then, of course, talking about it in very big, very sweeping terms about the constitution of the United States.

It's really hard to overstate how historic this is,” Bash proclaimed. “[I]t's barely one hand that you can count on how many times this has happened and it is a last resort. The House Democrats feel that they have reached that last resort and there has been so much pressure on her.”
