CNNer Equates Thomas Jefferson With Accused Pedophile Hip Hop Singer

Nicholas Fondacaro | July 7, 2020
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***To read the full blog, please check out the complete post on NewsBusters***

During Tuesday’s edition of CNN’s PrimeTime which saw Chris Cuomo as the voice of reason for once, radical left-wing commentator Angela Rye equated accused pedophile R. Kelly with Founding Father and author of the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson. And beyond acknowledging the personal flaws of our collective American heroes, Rye insisted all the faces on Mt. Rushmore be torn down and replaced with the faces she dictated.

In a segment obnoxiously dubbed “These Truths,” Cuomo called on Rye to give the argument for why we should tear down “all the statues” and remake the history of America:

After taking shots at President Trump, Rye lectured viewers (as if they didn’t already know) about the fact that George Washington owned slaves. “Did you know that George Washington was not only a slave owner but one who believed he was worthy of the very teeth that were in his slaves’ mouths,” she said. “Is that someone who you want to commemorate on the dollar bill, with a statue, with a holiday, and on Mt. Rushmore?

“Yes, is what you'll get from 85 percent of Americans,” Cuomo pushed back, citing his status as the father of the country, the fact that humans were “highly imperfect,” and how you have to view historical people in the context of their time. Though, Cuomo failed to mention that Washington freed his slaves and rejected calls to be America’s monarch.

After Cuomo noted that Rye’s all-or-nothing approach to rewriting history was not going to get a majority of Americans on her side, she doubled down and attacked Jefferson.
