Impeachment Obsessed: NBC Ignored Trump Signing USMCA Trade Deal

Nicholas Fondacaro | January 29, 2020
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***To read the full blog, please check out the complete post on NewsBusters***

In a celebration on the south lawn of the White House Wednesday, President Trump gathered with blue-collar workers, union leaders, CEOs, and Republican lawmakers to sign the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) trade deal into law. It was a hard-fought campaign promise three years in the making that helped many Americans, but NBC Nightly News didn’t think it was noteworthy as they spent two minutes and 41 seconds on impeachment.

Things weren’t much better on ABC’s World News Tonight and CBS Evening News.

ABC anchor David Muir sprinted past the signing of the USMCA via a news brief lasting just 17 seconds. “President Trump tonight fulfilling a campaign promise, signing a new trade deal with Mexico and Canada, the USMCA. With new provisions on digital commerce, the origin of auto parts and minimum wage,” he quickly reported.

Muir even tried to give credit for the law to Democrats and whined that they weren’t invited to the signing ceremony: “It won bipartisan support after a year of negotiations with Democrats. Democrats were not invited to the ceremony.” Meanwhile, ABC had dedicated almost four minutes (3:56) to impeachment that evening.
