Joe Scarborough Decries Republican 'Clown Show,' While Driving Trump Clown Car

Nicholas Fondacaro | March 10, 2016
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After helping drive the Donald Trump clown car for nine months, Joe Scarborough was furious that the GOP primary ended up in the ditch Thursday morning. “They perform so poorly on-- This year on a fifth-grade level and constantly send one clown after another clown after another clown up on the national stage and tarnishes the Republican brand in the way that they have for years now.”  Meanwhile, Scarborough has had Trump on his show more than any other candidate by far, and has even praised Trump for his availability.

For some reason those extraordinarily talented governors and legislators do not rise to the level in the Republican primary process and we as a party -- I'm talking about my party -- needs to figure out why the party that dominates the nation from coast to coast puts up clowns, reality show stars.” Scarborough exclaimed, acting like the ridiculous and obscene spectacle of this year’s election is a reoccurring theme. “And I'm not talking just about Donald Trump, I'm talking about Sarah Palin types, Michele Bachmann types, Herman Cain types that run around yelling 9-9-9 every four years.