Journalists Lead the Cheers for Hillary for President

Rich Noyes | July 13, 2016
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Video illustrating Part Seven of NewsBusters' Special Report: Hillary Clinton's Media Fan Club. This installment: How journalists have openly yearned for Hillary to become the first woman President of the United States.

Read Part One: Journalists celebrating Clinton as the “successful,” “remarkable,” “fabulous,” “sexy” and “pious” “icon of American womanhood.”

Part Two: Journalists disparage Clinton's critics as sexist retrogrades upset by a “cultural pioneer.”

Part Three: Journalists echo Hillary’s attempt to blame all of her and her husband’s scandals on a “vast right-wing conspiracy.”

Part Four: A collection of quotes showing reporters in awe over Hillary’s “dazzling” political mastery.

Part Five: Ten examples representing the softball treatment Hillary has received in TV interviews over the years.

Part Six: Documenting how journalists have tried to wave away Hillary's many scandals, from Whitewater in the 1990s to the current Benghazi and e-mails scandals.