Joy Gets Confronted Over Her Open Contempt for Struggling Americans

Nicholas Fondacaro | October 18, 2022
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***The complete post is on NewsBusters***

The ladies of ABC’s The View are divorced from reality; a benefit of their uber-wealthy lifestyles that allow them to not face the hardships average Americans are experiencing in the Biden economy. It also constitutes the rickety soapbox co-host Joy Behar stands upon when she repeatedly bemoans how those struggling Americas rank inflation as their top concern in the midterms and for their support of Republicans. Luckily, Behar was confronted on Tuesday by an unlikely co-host and schooled on economics.

On Friday, Behar attacked struggling Americans for caring about inflation instead of helping Democrats in November. “And they don’t realize – a lot of people don't realize inflation comes and goes,” she scoffed. “[The economy] fluctuates. But democracy does not fluctuate.”

She was at it again on Tuesday, whining that “only seven percent of voters rank a threat to democracy as a major issue this election cycle.” She condescendingly suggested, “I understand, inflation has gotten people – If you can't put food on the table it's very depressing and if you put gas in your car and inflation and rents, everything is piling up because of various reasons” but they need to vote for Democrats.
