Joy Reid Is Joyful DOJ is Targeting North Carolina for Bathroom Law

Nicholas Fondacaro | May 8, 2016
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Joy Reid once again has own Sunday show and she spent a notable portion speaking ill of North Carolina for their controversial bathroom law. Reid teased the segment by issuing a dire warning for the state’s lawmakers, “you have until tomorrow to do something about that terrible law or the justice department is coming for you.” After coming back from a commercial break she leapt right into insulting North Carolina.

Reid was giddy that the federal government issued the state a hard deadline, of Monday May 9, to indicate if the state was going to enforce the law. ““Remedy these violations including by confirming that the state will not comply with or implement H.B. 2,” or be prepared to face the consequences of defying federal law,” Reid read with delight from the Department of Justice’s letter.

As a guess, Reid brought on Serena Sebring who works for Southerners on New Ground, an activist group which opposes the law. Reid kicked off her questions by jumping to the absurd, “Are there people monitoring rest rooms in the state?