Kimmel Checks In From Home, Calls Trump a Racist and Tells Him to ‘Shut Up’

Brent Baker | March 20, 2020
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Not even a national crisis which has shut down production of their shows has reduced the display of antipathy from two late night hosts toward President Trump. Stephen Colbert and Jimmy Kimmel have checked in with home videos in which both amplify left-wing upset at Trump accurately noting the origin of the COVID-19 virus.  
Kimmel charged in a video recorded inside his Los Angeles-area home: “He now calls it the ‘Chinese virus’ every chance he gets because, you know, they say a great way to prevent a virus from spreading is to name it something racist.” 

Kimmel, in a video released Thursday, complained “he’s really going all in with this ‘Chinese virus’ nonsense.” The ABC host soon ranted: “I’ve really had enough of this guy. You know what? Just shut up already and let the doctors take over. Seriously, you trumped the shark. Go away, hand it over to Mike Pence. Go sit in your room at Mar a Lago and scream at the television all day.

>> This video clipped to illustrate a post on the MRC's NewsBusters blog <<