Minds MELT: ‘The View’ Cast Freak When Confronted with Mask Opposition

Nicholas Fondacaro | February 17, 2022
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***The complete post is on NewsBusters***

With liberal San Francisco recalling their school board for not focusing on getting kids back in school, the mostly liberal cast of The View was up in arms over those who wanted to lift harmful mask mandates. Co-host Joy Behar proclaimed she would wear a mask “indefinitely” when around people despite being vaccinated and boosted. And Sunny Hosting wanted to keep kids smothered because she “worr[ies]” for them. But when they were confronted with common sense about masking, their minds melted.

With co-host Whoopi Goldberg kicking off the discussion by wondering “what should we be concerned about really right now,” Behar said she doesn’t listen to the science but rather “the little voice in my head that doesn't really follow 100 percent of what they tell me because they keep changing it.

“A very short time ago, they were saying put the N95 masks on, and now make sure it's a -- and now they're saying you don't have to wear them anymore,” she huffed.
