Mom Hate: ABC Decries Vaccinated Traveling, Gathering on Mother’s Day

Nicholas Fondacaro | May 9, 2021
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***To read the full blog, please check out the complete post on NewsBusters***

With COVID cases plummeting and 58 percent of adults having received at least one dose of a vaccine, people looked to get back to normal on Sunday as they traveled and gathered to get back to mom to celebrate Mother’s Day. But ABC’s Good Morning America was not having any of it. At one point in their newscast, they lashed out at those trying to go back to normal, including the vaccinated as air travel numbers soared.

“Let's switch back to the pandemic now, and new concerns about people getting together in large gatherings and spreading the virus. Today's worry, of course, is Mother's Day,” huffed co-anchor Dan Harris.

The report was delivered by correspondent Zohreen Shah, who led into the video portion by targeted the vaccinated for traveling. “As more Americans get vaccinated, more are flying. TSA's top official telling me they are shattering pandemic records. He says this shows we’re returning to a sense of normalcy,” she warned.
