Morning Volt: Rubio is the 'Preprogrammed' 'Robotic Candidate', Fed 'Stupid Lines'

Nicholas Fondacaro | January 20, 2016
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Joe Scarborough may not “know who [he] was insulting here”, on Wednesday’s Morning Joe, but that didn’t stop him from digging into Marco Rubio, saying that the presidential candidate has been “preprogrammed” to be the “best robotic candidate in the race.”

Scarborough explained he felt that whoever is in charge of his campaign is using him like the text-to-speak function on a computer, where they whispering in his ear and then releasing him into campaign events. “…somebody has said “we are going to make the best robotic candidate for the race.” And they give him these things: “go say you bought a gun on Christmas Eve.” And he goes out and does it, everything is so calculated. It is—it is maddening.”