***To read the full blog, please check out the complete post on NewsBusters***
A week ago to the day, NBC Nightly News along with their broadcast competitors (ABC and CBS) ignored the lead role GOP lawmakers played in reforming the criminal justice system in Oklahoma. Now, on this Monday, the network’s flagship evening news program was helping to promote Senator Elizabeth Warren’s (D-MA) criminal justice reform plan as part of their pre-debate series where they only address “What Matters” to Democratic voters.
Last Monday, NBC correspondent Ron Mott omitted key details about how Oklahoma’s justice system was reformed. After explaining the case of one Oklahoma woman, Mott noted the reforms were passed via ballot initiatives “by Oklahoma voters in 2016.” The key detail he left out was that the ballot initiatives only covered future cases and not those already incarcerated. The state’s heavily Republican-controlled legislature and GOP governor championed a bill that made the initiatives retroactive.
For their latest report on criminal justice reform, NBC correspondent Harry Smith met with Warren at a Raleigh, North Carolina school to discuss her plan to end what has been dubbed “the school to prison pipeline.”
After Warren cited an ACLU statistic suggesting “There are now 14 million schoolchildren who go to schools that have a guard but don't have a school counselor, don't have a school nurse,” Smith made the pitch for Warren’s plan himself.