Revolving Door: MSNBC’s Jeremy Bash Joining WH Intelligence Advisors

Nicholas Fondacaro | August 29, 2022
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***The complete post is on NewsBusters***

Some might argue intelligence and MSNBC don’t usually go together, but over the weekend the White House announced President Biden will be tapping Jeremy Bash, an MSNBC national security analyst, former CIA chief of staff, and the first husband of CNN’s Dana Bash, to join his Intelligence Advisory Board. It’s another example of the revolving door between the federal government and the media.

During Monday’s Special Report on the Fox News Channel, White House correspondent Peter Doocy pointed out that Bash’s analytical skills and discernment were not that sharp; noting Bash and other liberal former intelligence officials wrongly claimed the Hunter Biden laptop story was Russian disinformation:

Yes. Jeremy Bash – a former CIA chief-of-staff who worked for then-Director Leon Panetta and has since gone on to work at MSNBC as an analyst, who also signed on to that letter we covered many times with other Intel officials claiming that stories about Hunter Biden's laptop have all the, quote, “classic earmarks of a Russian information operation” – is going to be the newest member of the President's intelligence advisory board.
