Sparks Fly As CNN’s Establishment, Far-Left Dems React to Sanders Win

Nicholas Fondacaro | February 12, 2020
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***To read the full blog, please check out the complete post on NewsBusters***

Moments after Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) was declared the winner of New Hampshire’s Democratic primary, CNN’s far-left liberals like host and activist Van Jones were ecstatically gloating about how “this guy is on the march” just like President Trump in 2016. And they didn’t appreciate it when establishment Democrats such as former Obama advisor David Axelrod pumped the bakes by noting how well “moderate” candidates did by comparison.

Jones was the first panelist to speak after the race was called, and he wasted no time in praising the coalition Sanders had built and how he was on the raise:

VAN JONES: Listen, he's on track. It is true that he is -- he can get black support, he is winning Latino/Latina support right now. He's got young support. He’s got an army of donors who are willing to— He and Bloomberg have inexhaustible resources because he can get – So, this guy is doing it and, listen, I remember when Trump was on the march and everybody kept saying, “Yeah, okay, so he won this time but, of course, he'll be stopped, and let's figure out what Marco Rubio is going to do or what somebody else is going to do.”

This guy is on the march. I think you're going to see the establishment freak out and try to stop him, but tonight you have to give him credit. It is very, very difficult to pull off what he's pulled off,” Jones declared. “He's never actually been a part of this party but he's transformed the party without joining it, and now the voters are coming with him.
