Stelter Pays Lip Service to Battered Journo, Ignores CNN’s Antifa Support

Nicholas Fondacaro | June 30, 2019
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***To read the full blog, please check out the complete post on NewsBusters***

For years now, CNN has claimed President Trump has made America a dangerous place for journalists, it’s even the topic of chief White House correspondent Jim Acosta’s new book. It’s a narrative they sowed to tar Trump supporters and anyone who would question their motives. But on Saturday it was “right-wing” journalist Andy Ngo who was viciously assaulted by left-wing Antifa terrorists.

CNN media reporter Brian Stelter took 47 seconds out of his hour-long Sunday program, Reliable Sources, to condemn the attack. To his credit, the sentiment was right but the time allocated to the topic was pitiful, especially considering Stelter allowed almost four minutes (3 minutes, 57 seconds) to the shutting down of a small Ohio newspaper.

On top of that, Stelter utterly failed to call out or condemn his CNN colleagues Chris Cuomo, Don Lemon, and Kamau Bell, who have used their programs to preach on behalf of Antifa.

“He has been out there in the past. He’s been covering protests in Portland for quite some time. His critics say he's there to cause trouble, but that's unacceptable. The idea that he would be attacked, that he would be bloodied in that way, unacceptable, period,” Stelter rightly declared, speaking of Ngo.

Adding: “And it’s important that everyone make that clear. Even left-wing critics who don’t like him and things like that.

Stelter was correct, this kind of attack on a journalist (where the victim was hospitalized with a brain hemorrhage) was not acceptable period. But where was the condemnation of his colleagues?
