TV News Blacks Out Parents Confronting Lib School Board that Allowed Rapes

Nicholas Fondacaro | October 13, 2021
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***The complete post can be found on NewsBusters***

On Tuesday, angry Loudoun County, Virginia parents confronted the radical liberal school board that allowed two high school girls to be allegedly raped by a “gender fluid” boy because they wanted to put transgender bathroom policies ahead of student safety. Wednesday was the day two of the liberal media’s total television blackout (ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC) of the story, that’s despite those parents and the father of the first victim speaking out.

Instead of reporting on this story, ABC’s World News Tonight, CBS Evening News, and NBC Nightly News were fixated on a bow and arrow attack in Norway, the FDA’s new guidelines for salt, and actor William Shatner going up into space on a Blue Origin rocket. Two of them were even aware enough that they admitted they were helping to market the flights for billionaire Jeff Bezos. ABC also found the time to gushed about the weather.

Meanwhile, on a more serious new network, Fox News Channel’s Special Report was broadcasting the voices of those angry parents looking for justice and protection for their kids. “Tonight, the epicenter of the controversy, a northern Virginia community that’s being rocked by a horrifying allegation from one of the faces of that movement,” announced anchor Bret Baier.
