The View: '60-70 Percent' of GOP Are 'Fascist' MAGA Extremists

Nicholas Fondacaro | September 6, 2022
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***The complete post is on NewsBusters***

The dreaded day finally arrived on Tuesday as the cackling coven of ABC’s The View returned from their late-summer vacation and subjected the world to an entire show dedicated to their “Hot Topics” discussions. After falsely claiming Mar-a-Lago “wasn’t raided” and a commercial break, the radically liberal table launched into attacking Republican voters by suggesting the vast majority of them are “fascist[s],” “white supremacist[s],” and “racist[s]” just like former President Trump himself.

Near the top of the segment, co-hosts Whoopi Goldberg and Joy Behar teamed up to mock Republicans for being offended by being called enemies of the state in President Biden’s divisive, authoritarian speech last week:

BEHAR: This MAGA crowd is so sensitive!

GOLDBERG: They’re like little snowflakes!

BEHAR: They're so sensitive. The liberals were called snowflakes.

There’s a difference between having a meltdown because someone didn’t use the pronoun you selected because of your mental illness and the president of the United States calling over 74 million people domestic terrorists threatening the country.
