It’s “important” to attend a Donald Trump rally so you can see how the attendees “are part of a fascist cult,” Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin contended on MSNBC on Saturday morning. She proceeded to warn that “we’ve seen in other fascist regimes that millions of people, sometimes even a majority of the country, becomes intoxicated with an authoritarian figure, and these people are utterly irrational.”
She soon asserted those not yet in the “cult” of trump must be “reeducated.” Rubin: “What you have to do if you care about democracy is mobilize the people who already know that he’s a danger and reaffirm and reeducate the people who are perhaps kind of flirting in the middle...”
>> This video clipped to illustrate Paul Bedard's January 22 Liberal Media Scream for the Washington Examiner <<<