Winner of ‘Sore Losers Award (for Refusing to Concede Bush’s Victory in Florida)’ at 2002 MRC DisHonors Awards

Brent Baker | January 17, 2002
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“Nineteen days after the presidential election, Florida’s Republican Secretary of State [Katherine Harris] is about to announce the winner — as she sees it and she decrees it....
“The believed certification — as the Republican Secretary of State sees it — is coming just hours after a court ordered deadline for counties to submit their hand count and recount totals....
“She will certify — as she sees it — who gets Florida’s 25 electoral votes....
“What’s happening here is the certification — as the Florida Secretary of State sees it and decrees it — is being signed....
“And after this, it will be, at least in the opinion of the Secretary of State, that the results will be final...”
– Dan Rather during a CBS News Special Report on the November 26, 2000 official certification of Florida’s vote.