MRC Latino | April 30, 2024
JOHN LEGUIZAMO: Uh…because it's exactly what I wanted to do with this character. I didn't need people to like me. I didn't want them to like me but they needed to understand the sickness. ASUNCION CUMMINGS-HOSTIN: Yes. LEGUIZAMO: That's what I wanted them to understand. What it takes to be a Latin man in a country and wanting to pass and believing that if you pass and you do everything right…
MRC Latino | April 30, 2024
  NORAH O’DONNELL: The race for president is coming into sharper focus with the CBS News Battleground Tracker poll showing President Biden and former President Donald Trump running neck and neck in three key states. CBS's Weijia Jiang has details from The White House. WEIJIA JIANG: Tonight, the Biden campaign is facing warning signs in the key swing states of Michigan, Wisconsin, and…
MRC Latino | April 29, 2024
  LESTER HOLT: It's an age-old question, and so many people are asking it in this tight housing market. Should you rent or buy a home? CNBC's Diana Olick now with a new report just out about that, and it may surprise you. DIANA OLICK: Claire Murray has been renting for almost a decade. The 30-year-old pharmaceutical researcher says she can afford to buy a home but isn't sure it's the right…
MRC Latino | April 28, 2024
DAN RATHER: Dan Rather, CBS News, became sort of all part of my name. A part of my identity. LEE COWAN: And you have interviewed how many presidents? RATHER: I'd have to count. Every one since Truman. COWAN: Gosh! This is the first time he has appeared on this network since. RATHER: Without apology or explanation. I miss CBS. I’ve missed it since the day I left there. COWAN: Even at 92, how…
MRC Latino | April 28, 2024
GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: Good morning, and welcome to This Week. Until now, no American president had ever faced a criminal trial. No American president had ever faced a federal indictment for retaining and concealing classified documents. No American president had ever faced a federal indictment or a state indictment for trying to overturn an election, or been named an unindicted co-conspirator in…
MRC Latino | April 28, 2024
  JOE BIDEN: On the third anniversary of January 6th, I went to Valley Forge and I said the most urgent question of our time is whether democracy is still- is still the sacred cause of America. That is the question the American people must answer this year. And you, the free press, play a critical role in making sure the American people have the information they need to make an informed decision…
MRC Latino | April 25, 2024
  PETER ALEXANDER: Tonight after more than a year and a half of strong spending, some of the steam is now coming out of the economy. The GDP rate slowing to 1.6% in the first three months of this year. Well below expectations. STEVE LEISMAN: What it means is that the core of the economy, business and consumer spending, is doing just fine. Inflation numbers, they are not fine. ALEXANDER:…
MRC Latino | April 25, 2024
ABBY PHILLIP: Professor, you say- see, three red flags with this case. What are they? JED HANDELSMAN SHUGERMAN: Well the three red flags are: first, that there has- there's no reported case. I've checked the records of state cases. There's no state case that shows a state prosecutor using the Federal Election Campaign Act, which is the- really the crime that the prosecutors are alleging here. A…
MRC Latino | April 24, 2024
  O’DONNELL: Francis is also the first pontiff to make climate change a priority. In 2015, to make an important point, images of the environment were projected onto St. Peter's Basilica, the dome designed in the mid-16th Century by Michelangelo. What do you say to the deniers of climate change? POPE FRANCIS: There are people who are foolish, and foolish even if you show them research, they don'…
MRC Latino | April 24, 2024
  DAVID MUIR: We turn now to President Biden tonight, hoping to put the state of Florida back in play this November. Tonight, the president's major abortion rights speech in Florida, with that state's new six-week abortion ban just days now from going into effect. Mary Bruce in Florida. MARY BRUCE: President Biden today traveling to Florida, just days before the state's strict new abortion law…