MRC Latino | April 4, 2024
ANTONIA HYLTON: As classmates head to the library, this group of Whitehall School District students in Ohio put on matching shirts and board a bus and head half a mile down the road to church. There, elementary students like Emanuel and Savannah Brady pray --  CHILDREN: Amen. HYLTON: And study Scripture. This is LifeWise academy, a nonprofit bringing the Bible back into the public school day…
MRC Latino | April 4, 2024
DAVID MUIR: We turn now to Donald Trump tonight, and Special Counsel Jack Smith signaling his frustration with the Florida judge overseeing the classified documents case. Smith calling a key decision by the judge, quote, “fundamentally flawed”. Here's Pierre Thomas. PIERRE THOMAS: Tonight, in an extraordinary filing, Special Counsel Jack Smith increasingly frustrated with the Florida judge's…
MRC Latino | April 2, 2024
DAVID MUIR: We turn now to the race for the White House. Abortion rights front and center, and will it put the state of Florida in play? Tonight President Biden blasting Florida's new 6-week abortion ban, one of the strictest in the country, before many women know they’re pregnant. The president calling it outrageous. Former President Trump on the campaign trail today saying suburban housewives…
MRC Latino | April 2, 2024
RACHEL SCOTT: Trump trying to turn the focus to the border, and what he's now calling migrant crime.  DONALD TRUMP: Every state is now a border state. Every town is now a border town, because Joe Biden has brought the carnage and chaos and killing from all over the world and dumped it straight into our backyards.  SCOTT: But in fact, data shows undocumented immigrants are actually less likely…
MRC Latino | April 1, 2024
  SATCHA PRETTO: And hundreds of protesters marched in the Mexican capital. This, to commemorate the International Transgender Day of Visibility, and draw attention to the discrimination they suffer. Many of them are members of the LGBTQ community and demand a law that protects their rights. And Mexico has recorded four murders of transgender people so far this year.  
MRC Latino | March 31, 2024
KRISTEN WELKER: And now Trump is asserting that none of the trials should, quote, “take place during my campaign”, falsely calling the criminal proceedings “election interference”. It is yet another reminder that we are covering this election against the backdrop of a deeply divided nation.
MRC Latino | March 31, 2024
DANA BASH: Republicans are attacking President Biden for recognizing today as Transgender Day of Visibility. I want to be very clear that this day, this Transgender Day of Visibility, is always on March 31st. Has been since 2009. This president has marked it every year since he's been in The White House. The date of Easter changes year to year. I don't need to tell you that. The House Speaker…
MRC Latino | March 29, 2024
WHIT JOHNSON: The process for applying for college financial aid could soon become a bit easier. The Education Department is expected to debut its new online FAFSA form, which allows families and students to provide financial information to schools. The revamp is supposed to simplify the process, but it will also include new ways that aid is calculated, meaning a change in how much in some…
MRC Latino | March 28, 2024
  LINSEY DAVIS: Now, to the race for the White House, and four U.S. Presidents in New York. President Biden holding a $25 million fund-raiser at Radio City Music Hall tonight, with some high profile support from former presidents. Former President Obama hitching a ride to New York on Air Force One with President Biden. He'll be joined by former President Clinton on the stage tonight. Former…
MRC Latino | March 27, 2024
  ARANTXA LOIZAGA: In other news, Florida and Disney came to terms in order to put an end to a nearly 2-year old legal dispute over control of the district that governs the Disney World theme park. Via the agreement, both parties accepted to withdraw their lawsuits and committed to work together towards development of the area. Governor DeSantis’ offensive against the company began after (Disney…