Mark Finkelstein

Mark's undergrad degree is from Cornell. He has law degrees from SUNY Buffalo and Harvard. He practiced law in NYC, Mexico City, and Paris, before doing a stint as a pro tennis manager and tournament organizer. He returned to his college town of Ithaca, NY and got involved in real estate development and politics.

In 2011, Mark moved to Pecan Plantation, TX, and in 2018, to Oak Island, NC.

Mark's a dog lover who has used his small plane to do many dog-rescue flights. He speaks Spanish and French.

MarkF | May 27, 2010
When asked by Mika Brzezinski on Morning Joe, Time editor Rick Stengle seems stumped about Joe Sestak and the allegations the Obama admin offered him a top federal job in return for getting out of the PA senate primary against Arlen Specter.
MarkF | May 27, 2010
On Morning Joe, Mika Brzezinski declares "I'm a Democrat."
MarkF | May 26, 2010
Interviewing Rep. Luis Gutierrez, Ed Schultz expresses the concern that the 1,200 National Guard troops that Pres. Obama has ordered to the Mexican border may have been issued "shoot to kill" orders.
MarkF | May 25, 2010
On Morning Joe of May 25, 2010, Joe Scarborough plays his interview from months before of Joe Sestak in which Scarborough unequivocally put it to Sestak that the White House offered him the Sec. of Navy job in return for getting out of PA Senate primary and Sestak seems to confirm it.
MarkF | May 25, 2010
On Morning Joe, Chuck Todd equates the apparent offer of a top federal job to Joe Sestak if he would drop out of the PA senatorial primary against Arlen Specter with Dick Cheney reportedly offering to support Tim Pawlenty in a future gubernatorial run if he would drop out of a senatorial primary against Norm Coleman.
MarkF | May 24, 2010
On Morning Joe, Joe Scarborough and John Harwood clash over Dick Blumenthal, with Harwood downplaying Blumenthal's lies about having served in Vietnam as just a case of getting "carried away" and Scarborough coming close to calling Blumenthal a "scumbag."
MarkF | May 23, 2010
In the wake of Campbell Brown's withdrawal from her CNN show, citing poor ratings, Howard Kurtz, on his CNN show, Reliable Sources, wonders whether CNN's business strategy is "viable."
MarkF | May 22, 2010
On Fox News Watch, Jim Pinkerton cites a NewsBusters item reporting that Joe Scarborough had passed along the comment from an unnamed conservative insider questioning "what the hell was he [Paul] doing on MSNBC?", a reference to Paul's appearance on the Rachel Maddow show in which he made comments on the 1964 Civil Rights Act that have caused controversy.
MarkF | May 21, 2010
On Morning Joe, Joe Scarborough approvingly cites a conservative insider who asked "what the hell was he [Rand Paul] doing on MSNBC?", referring to his appearance on the Rachel Maddow show in which he made controversial comments about the 1964 Civil Rights Act.
MarkF | May 17, 2010
On Morning Joe, Katty Kay of the BBC, in New York to receive a Peabody award for outstanding journalism, finds Elena Kagan in the college dean mainstream, and worries recession not long enough to turn people off capitalism.