P. Gardner Goldsmith
Writer, Television Scriptwriter, Lecturer

Gardner Goldsmith is a television scriptwriter, journalist, syndicated radio host, and lecturer in political-economics. He has spent time in the script departments of “The Outer Limits” and “Star Trek: Voyager”, and, in addition to his debut novella, “Bite” (selected by Ginger Nuts of Horror as one of the best novellas of 2013), and follow-ups, “Fishing” and “Wall”, his prose and poetry have been published in the US and UK. His fiction is available via Amazon and Barnes and Noble, and through local bookstores, so feel free to dive in! 

Goldsmith’s 2007 non-fiction book, “Live Free or Die”, was selected by the Freedom Book Club as a Book of the Month, and his articles on political economics have appeared in the US and UK in such publications and on such websites as Human Events, TechCentralStation, Naked, The Freeman (A Publication of the Foundation for Economic Education), Mises Daily, Investor’s Business Daily, The NH Union Leader, and MRCTV.

He is also a teacher of political-economics and philosophy at various schools in New Hampshire. His SUBSTACK? This link: Substack is HERE. Check it out!

P. Gardner Goldsmith | September 18, 2017
Despite intimations by Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on CBS’s “Face the Nation” Sunday and claims by the EU’s mighty “Commissioner for Climate Action and Energy” that the US will abide by the silly and scientifically unsound “Paris Climate Accord” (which is not a treaty that has been approved by the US Senate, by the way), the Trump White House has moved to quash any confusion and reassure…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | September 8, 2017
I may disagree with numerous Trump administration policies, but this is a positive move – and one which will undoubtedly receive the umbrage of thousands of Social Justice Warriors and the pop press. Yesterday, the Justice Department filed an argument in favor of Jack Phillips, a baker based in Lakewood, Colorado. Mr. Phillips was found guilty by the state of Colorado of “discrimination” for…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | September 7, 2017
  The phrase, “local boy makes good” has been part of American parlance for almost a hundred years, and many folks like to apply it when they hear the uplifting news about a neighbor who has done well in life. But if we follow the lead of a leftist Michigan organization, one local guy can never “make good,” evidently because he is a white male -- and a conservative one to boot. Kid Rock grew up…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | September 6, 2017
  Far be it from contemporary politicians to pay any regard to the U.S. Constitution; in fact, they seem committed to doing just the opposite, crushing our rights and insulting us in the bargain. Case in point: The governor of the U.S. Virgin Islands just signed an “emergency order” allowing the  National Guard to seize firearms, ammunition, explosives, and land that they say they “need” to…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | September 6, 2017
Remember the good ol’ days of 1985 when stuffy politicians and their spouses appeared in Washington, D.C. at the Parents Music Resource Center (PMRC) Senate hearings to force record companies to put labels on their products? Remember how lame and dumb people like Senator Albert Gore and his wife, Skipper, er, Dipper, I mean, Bipper – whatever – looked when musicians like Dee Snider, Frank Zappa…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | September 3, 2017
To the surprise of very few, a bunch of professors at a highly respected college have shown their ignorance of economics, political philosophy, ethics, rights, and history. The place? Dartmouth College, in Hanover NH. The issue? Antifa. When Mark Bray, one of the originators of the sadly misguided “Occupy Wall Street” movement, and now a lecturer of Gender Studies at Dartmouth, published the…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | August 31, 2017
As Hillary Clinton and Rahm Emanuel both said, when one wants to expand the power of the state, one should “never let a good crisis go to waste.” And, since Hurricane Harvey is a terrible crisis, many people intent on expanding the power of the state – especially those in the pop media and insulated academia -- are definitely trying to take advantage of it. Over at CNN, talking head John…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | August 29, 2017
  Remember when media talking heads criticized Donald Trump for saying that the U.S. has major problems with voter fraud? Remember how, even if one disagreed with some of Mr. Trump’s policy proposals, one had to admit that evidence of voter fraud was rampant, and that there seemed to be a major disconnect between the disbelief of the pop media and reality? Well, more evidence of voter fraud is…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | August 29, 2017
  On August 25, a federal judge dismissed the high-profile class-action suit brought in June of last year against the DNC and its chairwoman, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, by Bernie Sanders supporters who donated to the DNC and believed the party favored Hillary Clinton over the Bernmeister. What makes his dismissal noteworthy is not only the fact that most of the pop media are glossing over the…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | August 24, 2017
(Photo: William Murphy) Would you like to add another layer to the already Everest-sized mountain of evidence showing that socialists/collectivists are in love with authoritarianism and hate the concept of respecting their neighbor’s individual rights? Look no further than a newly published poll of users at the very busy Reddit “r/Socialism” board, a spread sheet of which can be found right…