Tierin-Rose Mandelburg

Tierin-Rose grew up in a large Christian family on the coast of Connecticut. After high school she moved to Alabama to dance with a professional ballet company while attending Liberty University. She served as an MRC Culture intern in Spring 2021 and became staff shortly there after. Her main focus is on pro-life issues and is committed to exposing the lies of the left and to defending babies in the womb. 

Tierin-Rose Mandelburg | September 18, 2023
Róisín Murphy is an Irish singer, songwriter and record producer. She’s been releasing music for over 20 years and was played on the BBC’s under-fire radio station 6 Music regularly. Just a few weeks ago her songs were played six times in just one week. But, she's since been exiled from the radio and had gigs canceled after she criticized puberty blockers for “little mixed-up kids.” Don’t forget…
Tierin-Rose Mandelburg | September 18, 2023
The Post Millennial recently obtained a recording of a meeting between a child, her parents, and an endocrinologist who wanted to turn the 12-year-old girl into a boy. In the meeting, the doctor contradicted herself by insisting that puberty blockers were reversible, while at the same time suggesting the child seek “fertility preservation” - i.e., egg freezing - in the case she wanted to have…
Tierin-Rose Mandelburg | September 15, 2023
Why is it that gay people get what they want just for being gay? A former Kentucky county clerk refused to sign a marriage license for a set of gays back in 2015 due to her deeply held religious beliefs. At the time, Kim Davis was sentenced to jail for five days. And now, eight years later, she's being forced to pay $100,000 in damages.  Years ago, after a few failed marriages and conceiving…
Tierin-Rose Mandelburg | September 15, 2023
Goodness gracious! Apparently Catholics can’t even be Catholic without the woke mob coming for them.  The Catholic Diocese of Cleveland, Ohio announced new policies for its 84 private religious schools banning LGBTQ propaganda. These ideologies are blatantly against the teachings in the Catholic church, so it makes perfect sense. The Cleveland Mayor, however, disagreed and called the policies a…
Tierin-Rose Mandelburg | September 14, 2023
Unfortunately, this is another story where doctors abused a young, vulnerable and confused teenager and altered her life for the worst.  A 21-year-old Nebraska woman named Luka Hein filed a lawsuit on Wednesday against the University of Nebraska Medical Center and Nebraska Medicine, alleging negligence and abuse when she was a teen when doctors cut off her healthy breasts to "affirm" a mental…
Tierin-Rose Mandelburg | September 14, 2023
Word just got out that toiletries manufacturer Dove partnered with a social media “influencer,” as they're calling themselves these days, to promote “fat liberation.” It just so happens that the fat-fluencer is a mega BLM activist and even lied to get a student acquaintance expelled from her university.  Talk about twisted morals! The fat-fluencer, Zyahana Bryant, was hired by Dove this year to…
Tierin-Rose Mandelburg | September 13, 2023
I thought we were done targeting churches as a protest against their pro-life stances. I stand corrected. On Saturday evening, vandals attacked a pro-life church in Palermo, Maine. They vandalized a pro-life sign that was displayed at the town's Second Baptist Church and added two of their own slogans pushing for both abortion and LGBTQ rhetoric.  Prior to the attack, the church displayed a…
Tierin-Rose Mandelburg | September 13, 2023
Despite the fact that practically nobody in Hollywood is employed right now due to the writers strike, pro-abortion groups are still begging for money. After Roe v. Wade was overturned, numerous Hollywood actors and groups donated funds to groups like Planned Parenthood to help keep up those baby death rates. As “the momentum has dropped off” from the shock wave of Roe’s overturn, those…
Tierin-Rose Mandelburg | September 12, 2023
Welcome to Woke of the Weak, where I’ll update you about the most woke, progressive, insane, and crazy clips and stories that the left thinks is tolerable and well, point out why exactly they’re nuts.  Today we started out by watching the mayor of Burbank, California bend over and get his ass whooped by a drag queen at a campaign event. Supposedly, even kids got to witness the scarring event. …