Contact Tracing
Thanks to an Epoch Times Freedom of Information Act motion, Americans now can see firsthand the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and…
RINO Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker (aka jazz great Charlie Parker, according to Joe Biden) appears to have some explaining to do.…
That’s right. 80.
And four Republicans co-sponsored the bill, joining ultra-left NH Congresswoman Ann Kuster (D) on November 30 to push her…
As if insufferably self-absorbed New York Mayor Bill DeBlasio had not engaged in enough coercive, mob-style, do-as-I-say-not-as-I-do idiocy during…
With more intensity than ever, CNN is pushing the unconstitutional totalitarian tyranny of mandated jabs for all people on U.S. soil – that’s over…
Americans often use – and rail against – hyperbolic claims that the statements or acts of a politician, or bureaucrat, are Hitlerian or Nazi-like.…
It’s simple. Once the concept of private property in stores and other places open for commerce is breached by the state, all bets are off. And now,…
A recent MRCTV report by Nick Kangadis covering the alarming news that the feds plan on issuing “vaccination cards” to Americans who get the…
The cracks are expanding.
Because hard-working people are fed-up with the attacks on their rights, and they are fighting back.
In virtually…
Michigan restaurants are officially required to take down customers’ names and contact information as of Monday, per Democrat Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s…
Previously at MRCTV, we have noted how state COVID19 lockdowns of businesses and churches, and governor-enacted “stay-at-home” orders stand as stark…