
Brittany M. Hughes | March 8, 2016
In honor of International Women’s Day, President Obama’s State Department used the occasion to tout a litany of liberal talking points on the subject…
ashley.rae | February 25, 2016
Sorry, Emma Watson, but less than one-third of American women call themselves feminists. Despite the feminist slogans and talking points that…
ashley.rae | February 24, 2016
(Image source: Everyday Feminism) Everyday Feminism, the same group that claims trigger warning is triggering and that food is cultural…
ashley.rae | February 15, 2016
The adorable “Powerpuff Girls” you knew and loved growing up have now turned into man-hating feminists. The preview for Cartoon Network’s series…
Nick Kangadis | February 3, 2016
  Maryland-based blogger Daryush Valizadeh, who advocates for legalizing rape, is organizing an “International Meetup Day” for supporters in…
ashley.rae | December 2, 2015
In a new, modern version of the fairytale “Sleeping Beauty,” the sleeping beauty is a prince, the girl is the heroine, and the fairy godmothers are…
ashley.rae | November 17, 2015
Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) doesn’t want people reporting crimes to the police. On Monday night, Gillibrand lauded efforts by national…
ashley.rae | November 17, 2015
The University of York has issued an apology for having the audacity to observe International Men’s Day. The move comes after feminists complained…
ashley.rae | November 10, 2015
Senator Claire McCaskill (D-Mo) told approximately half of her constituents to “shut the hell up” on “The Late Show” on Monday. “As one of just 20…
ashley.rae | November 4, 2015
Despite Hillary Clinton’s attempts to portray Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) as a sexist, Planned Parenthood offered the “feminist” senator praise on…
ashley.rae | November 3, 2015
A Purdue University course that is supposed to teach students how to write for a business environment instead requires students to produce projects…