George Stephanopoulos

Scott Whitlock | February 13, 2013
George Stephanopoulos on Wednesday's Good Morning America delighted over Barack Obama's "dramatic," "emotional" and "ambitious" speech. During live…
Scott Whitlock | February 13, 2013
Good Morning America's George Stephanopoulos was in full Obama talking points mod, Wednesday, grilling Marco Rubio on why he won't support the…
Scott Whitlock | November 26, 2012
 Republican Senator Lindsey Graham on Sunday fought back against attempts by George Stephanopoulos to cover for the Obama administration's handling…
MattH | September 21, 2012
Of all people, former Clinton operative George Stephanopoulos stepped in to temper Piers Morgan's liberal spin that Mitt Romney's 47 percent remarks…
Scott Whitlock | September 14, 2012
In an exclusive ABC News interview, George Stephanopoulos taunts Mitt Romney, "But you're falling behind!...Why aren't you doing better?"