Joe Biden

P. Gardner Goldsmith | October 12, 2020
One need not be gullible or weak to acknowledge when previously frustrating “reporters” engage in the surprising, but gratifying, act of actually…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | October 12, 2020
Remember the old days, when we’d all get up at 5 am, put on our work boots, and march down to the Court Packing Plant on the outskirts of town?…
Eric Scheiner | October 10, 2020
Voters clearly aren't worthy of knowing what Joe Biden would do if elected. Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden said that voters don’t deserve…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | October 9, 2020
It must be tricky being a celebrity. Like all of us fallible folk, a person in the proverbial “limelight” can make errors or do dumb things. For most…
Brittany M. Hughes | October 9, 2020
The knives came out during last night’s vice presidential debate…and so did the leftwing, shall we call them, mistruths. From fake news to fake…
Brittany M. Hughes | October 8, 2020
After vice presidential candidate Kamala Harris repeatedly refused to answer a direct question during Wednesday night's debate on whether a Biden/…
Eric Scheiner | October 8, 2020
Fossil fuels or no fossil fuels? That is the question. Harris can't seem to give a consistent answer as to what a Biden-Harris administration…
Max Dugan | October 8, 2020
After announcing that the Second Presidential Debate would be performed virtually, with Trump, and Biden each participating remotely, the decision of…
melanie.hunter | October 6, 2020
President Donald Trump’s lawyer, former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani said Monday that despite what Democrats have alleged, the only person…
melanie.hunter | October 6, 2020
President Donald Trump’s lawyer, former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani said Monday that despite what Democrats have alleged, the only person…
Max Dugan | October 6, 2020
Democratic presidential nominee, Joe Biden, was asked at an NBC town hall about what he would do as president if Roe vs. Wade was overturned…