Mental Health

Brittany M. Hughes | November 13, 2023
Where’d all the happy people go? Not in the UK, it turns out. According to this, the number of people with “hidden disabilities” - to include a…
Nick Kangadis | March 24, 2023
“Can’t Outrun The Truth.” Not only is that the title of the new single released by The Who’s guitarist Pete Townshend, but it’s a mantra in dealing…
Brittany M. Hughes | February 17, 2023
Purposelessness and the push for “self identity” is creating a mental health crisis among America’s youth.    
Jason Cohen | December 1, 2022
The pandemic lockdowns immensely impacted children by stunting their development. Shocking. A new Salon piece by Matthew Rozsa tells readers “The…
Jason Cohen | December 1, 2022
The transgender craze is a “social contagion,” according to a new report called "The Transgender Leviathan" from the American Principles Project…
Emma Schultz | June 7, 2022
Sunday night’s CNN Newsroom with Pamela Brown welcomed Vanderbilt University’s Dr. Jonathon Metzl, to validate CNN’s push for gun control and dismiss…
melanie.hunter | May 27, 2022
Uvalde Mayor Don McLaughlin said Friday that his town desperately needs a mental health facility to serve rural Texas, because families can’t afford…
Dawn Slusher | March 7, 2022
ABC’s The Conners pushed an anti-gun agenda last Wednesday in an episode ("Triggered") that featured a mass shooting near the Conners’ family home.  …
Matt Philbin | January 21, 2022
Your hunch is confirmed: lefties take politics way too seriously. And it’s not just that they can’t leave you alone, projecting ideology onto…
Eric Scheiner | November 16, 2021
As Joe Biden meandered out of the White House alongside Kamala Harris on Monday he wasn’t wearing a mask. It was a move that seems very reasonable,…
Eric Scheiner | November 2, 2021
The results of a new poll may lead you to believe that many Americans feel spoons are sharper than Joe Biden. A majority of Americans do not…
Brittany M. Hughes | March 26, 2021
Nearly a year after most schools across the country closed classrooms and went online to “protect” kids and staff from the coronavirus, the CDC has…