
Brittany M. Hughes | March 10, 2017
On the heels of an embarrassingly pointless Inauguration Day melee, a handful of ineffectual protests and several national strikes that accomplished…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | March 8, 2017
Middlebury College professor of politics and economics Allison Stanger was attacked by left-wing, so-called AnftiFa (an ironic abbreviation for…
Nick Kangadis | February 6, 2017
“This is what democracy looks like!” That’s a common chant among snowflakes that simply can’t get over the election not going their way.…
Nick Kangadis | February 6, 2017
These “peaceful” protesters need a time-out. The same time-out that none of their parents gave them, because they believed that their children were…
ashley.rae | January 20, 2017
Anti-Donald Trump protesters clashed with Trump supporters outside the National Press Club, which was holding the inaugural “DeploraBall,” Thursday…
Monica Sanchez | November 30, 2016
(Image via Screenshot) In response to president-elect Donald Trump’s tweet that there should be consequences for flag burning, a group of…
Brittany M. Hughes | November 29, 2016
Donald Trump suggested via Twitter on Tuesday that burning the American flag should be criminalized, and that those who burn the flag should be…
Nick Kangadis | November 14, 2016
There is something to be said for protesting something you feel passionately about. It’s a whole other thing when you protest something, but you…
Zach Montanaro | November 14, 2016
Just when things looked like they might be calming down... On CNN Monday, Democratic strategist Symone Sanders responded to Donald Trump supporter…
Monica Sanchez | November 14, 2016
(Image via Twitter) Talk about petty. In protest of the 2016 general election results, people are trolling Vice President-Elect Mike Pence by …
Nick Kangadis | November 14, 2016
The special little snowflakes are continuing to freak out over the victory of president-elect Donald Trump. Students at Blair High School and…
ashley.rae | November 9, 2016
Protests are erupting across California in response to Donald Trump being elected president. As news spread that Trump would become the next…