Halloween 2017 has come and gone, but not only has the day shown people engaging in the time-tested practice of voluntary charity that CBS anger-…
Once more unto the breach, dear friends.
A new challenger has entered the fray of contender for Secretary of State: retired general and former CIA…
Unless you’ve been living under a rock these past few weeks (oddly enough I wouldn’t blame you), you’ve probably heard that there’s going to be a…
Former presidential candidate Mitt Romney was featured on The Kelly File Thursday night where he ripped into Obama's handling of ISIS in Iraq.
Last night at the House Democrats’ retreat in Philadelphia, President Barack Obama couldn’t resist taking a pot shot at former rival for the…
Mitt Romney criticized President Obama's strategy in the Middle East because of its lack of willingness to "keep American troops standing by in Iraq…
ABC's "This Week" focuses on Mitt Romney's suggestion that President Obama won reelection because of gifts given to specific groups of voters.…
The View's Sherri Shepherd calls Mitt Romney a 'sore loser' for saying Barack Obama won the presidential race through 'gifts' to specific groups of…
An eloquent case for the president's re-election from a member of Obama's base. HT: RealFreedom1776
Former Speaker Nancy Pelosi labeled Mitt Romney's comments at a Florida fundraising as "Disparaging" on The Today Show this morning. In the same…
MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell accused Mitt Romney of lying about and insulting millions of Americans in Romney's remarks at a fundraiser.
Patriotic rock band Madison Rising announced that it has officially endorsed Mitt Romney for
President and has and offered the campaign and related…