As a follow-up to the insulting, aggressive, and ineffectual attacks on free speech and self-defense that were her “response to” the March 15…
Welcome back to school!
It’s time for Ivory Tower lefties to get more facts wrong, continue undercutting individual rights, and insult those who…
Georgetown University student newspaper The Hoya is reporting that on April 13 about 20 students presented University President John J. DeGioia with…
A Northeastern University study is claiming that schools are currently safer than they were in the 1990’s, and that school shootings are “extremely…
“The battle we face is not against Facebook,” Kirk Cameron says. “The real battle is the battle of the heart and the mind.”
Cameron is talking about…
The U.S. Navy has announced that it has recovered the remains of all 10 sailors who were killed onboard the USS John S. McCain after a collision with…
(Image via Screenshot)
GOP presidential frontrunner Donald Trump held a rally in Indianapolis, Ind. on Wednesday, ahead of the Hoosier State’s…
Will Smith is in a new movie coming this December by Sony Pictures Entertainment called Concussion. The official site for the movie describes it as…
DC crime is on the rise. Reporters suggest smart phone users are top targets.(h/t myfoxdc)
ABC's Bill Weir introduced a story on the August 14 Good Morning America stating, "the rising anger is now ramping up concerns over the President’s…