
Zach Montanaro | October 19, 2016
During the third presidential debate, Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton traded jabs with each other about each of their supposed past support for the…
Zach Montanaro | October 19, 2016
During the third presidential debate, Republican nominee Donald Trump reiterated his opposition to NAFTA while adding that under a Trump presidency…
Zach Montanaro | October 19, 2016
At the beginning of the third presidential debate, Donald Trump said that he would appoint judges to the Supreme Court who are supportive of the 2nd …
Zach Montanaro | October 19, 2016
A recent poll has confirmed what everyone pretty much already knew: the media are completely biased against Donald Trump. That’s according to a…
Craig Bannister | October 19, 2016
Raising the federal minimum wage to $12 per hour could reduce private sector employment by 1.8 million jobs over 10 years and cut economic output by…
Zach Montanaro | October 19, 2016
Hillary Clinton’s personal Twitter account claims that any tweet with a "-H" have been sent by Hillary herself. However, new leaked emails show that…
Craig Bannister | October 19, 2016
From ganging up on one candidate and ignoring the scandals of another to feeding talking points to interviewees and promoting false claims, the…
Zach Montanaro | October 17, 2016
Conservatives will often claim that members of the media are biased towards liberals. Now, there is proof. According to a report done by the non-…
Zach Montanaro | October 17, 2016
Journalism, I knew thee well. Over the weekend, a GOP office in Orange County, N.C. was firebombed, damaging the building and destroying much of the…
Craig Bannister | October 13, 2016
In the richest of ironies,, the group created in 1998 to urge Congress to let then-President Bill Clinton off the hook for his sexual…
Zach Montanaro | October 13, 2016
As if one needed any more proof to show just how biased the media really are, here is yet another piece of evidence. Following a speech by…
Craig Bannister | October 13, 2016
Media Research Center President Brent Bozell today called out NBC for its timing, handling and reporting of Donald Trump’s lewd hot mic comments made…