White House Correspondents Dinner

On Monday, MRCTV’s Tierin-Rose Mandelburg appeared on One America News Network’s In Focus with Alison Steinberg to talk about the failed White House…
melanie.hunter | May 2, 2022
Dr. Deborah Birx, former White House Coronavirus Task Force coordinator for the Trump administration, told CBS’s “Face the Nation” on Sunday that she…
Brittany M. Hughes | May 1, 2022
While laughing hysterically over the historic inflation that’s forcing Americans to pay more for everything from housing to gas and food ever since…
Nicholas Fondacaro | April 28, 2022
***The complete post is on NewsBusters*** The cackling coven of The View twisted themselves into pretzels on Thursday as they desperately tried to…
Nick Kangadis | April 24, 2019
Was there ever a time when people took what CNN’s Brian Stelter said seriously? I’m still wondering how someone so consistently wrong about pretty…
Brittany M. Hughes | May 10, 2018
“Comedienne” Michelle Wolf told Late Night’s Seth Meyers Wednesday that “everyone loved” her White House Correspondents Dinner monologue – even, she…
Brittany M. Hughes | May 1, 2018
The Hill will no longer participate in the White House Correspondents Dinner thanks to the over-the-line “jokes” made by this year’s headliner…
melanie.hunter | April 30, 2018
White House Correspondents Association President Margaret Talev told CNN’s “Reliable Sources” that she didn’t vet comedienne Michelle Wolf’s speech…
Scott Whitlock | April 30, 2018
[See NewsBusters for more.] CBS was for the vulgar White House Correspondents Dinner before the network was against it. On Saturday, CBS This Morning…
Brittany M. Hughes | April 6, 2018
Donald Trump is skipping the annual White House correspondents’ dinner for the second year in a row – and frankly, why shouldn’t he? The AP reports…
Ken Shepherd | May 11, 2009
On the May 11 "Early Show," co-host Harry Smith revealed that even Keith Olbermann found Wanda Sykes' White House Correspondence Dinner joke about…