DannyG | September 8, 2008
A Republican convention video report from Whitney Stewart: Aaron LaRoche of Vermont explained the concept behind STORM, a new social-networking tool for College Republicans. It helped some young people get to St. Paul.
DannyG | September 8, 2008
A Republican convention video report from Whitney Stewart: Byron Behm, whose parents are deaf, kept busy as a sign-language interpreter at the GOP convention. He said Sarah Palin's speech was the best he has ever interpreted.
DannyG | September 8, 2008
A Republican convention video report from Whitney Stewart: Aaron LaRoche, the state chairman of Vermont College Republicans, said conservatism means limited government, lower taxes and personal responsibility.
DannyG | September 8, 2008
A Republican convention video report from Whitney Stewart: James Dunn considers him a "strong conservative" on social issues and thinks that term also means not expecting the government to provide everything.
DannyG | September 8, 2008
A Republican convention video report from Whitney Stewart: Personal liberty and freedom rank higher than any other conservative values to Kyle Iturralde. "We don't need the government's help for every little thing."
DannyG | September 8, 2008
A Republican convention video report from Whitney Stewart: Olivia Greene explained what conservatism means to her, including gun rights and opposition to abortion and gay marriage. She also shared her views on Sarah Palin.
DannyG | September 8, 2008
GOP Rep. John Kline of Minnesota chatted with Eyeblast.tv freelancer Whitney Stewart at the Republican convention in St. Paul. He shared his views on Sarah Palin and pork-barrel spending, among other topics.
DannyG | September 4, 2008
Organizers of the Republican convention demanded that a group of young Republicans take down their "Build The Fence" signs, a reference to a border fence to fight illegal immigration, while at the Xcel Center last night.
DannyG | September 4, 2008
By K. Daniel Glover ST. PAUL -- Word on the cable networks this morning is that Republican vice-presidential nominee Sarah Palin is a superstar because she delivered her rousing speech at the convention here last night despite a broken teleprompter. MSNBC reported that tidbit. So did Fox News, with an aide to GOP presidential candidate John McCain talking about the teleprompter woes. Now the…
DannyG | September 4, 2008
Internet rumor has it that Sarah Palin delivered her rousing convention speech last night despite a broken teleprompter. It's not true, and Eyeblast.tv has the teleprompter video to prove it.