DannyG | September 3, 2008
Minnesota-based blogger Ed Morrissey of Hot Air invited his conservative blog brethren to Babini's Kurdish restaurant for lunch on Wednesday of the Republican convention in St. Paul
DannyG | September 3, 2008
By K. Daniel Glover ST. PAUL -- Google CEO Eric Schmidt today pleaded ignorance when asked to explain what triggers his company’s YouTube video-sharing site to delete certain videos as “inappropriate” content. “I don’t know enough of the specifics” to tell you what triggers implementation of the policy, Schmidt told Eyeblast.tv, a video-sharing site that the Media Research Center created in…
DannyG | September 3, 2008
At the Republican convention, bloggers grilled Google CEO Eric Schmidt about the company's failure to prevent the blocking of conservative blogs, as well as topics like Internet regulation and China's Internet policies.
DannyG | September 3, 2008
At the GOP convention, Eyeblast.tv asked Google CEO Eric Schmidt to explain YouTube's policy for removing videos and respond to allegations that the site is biased against conservatives. He declined to provide many specifics.
DannyG | September 2, 2008
Conservative columnist David Frum discussed his new book on conservatism as part of a panel conducted at the University of Minnesota during the Republican convention.
DannyG | September 2, 2008
Former Rep. Vin Weber, R-Minn., discussed the past and future of conservatism as part of a panel conducted at the University of Minnesota during the Republican convention.
DannyG | September 2, 2008
Former Rep. Mickey Edwards, R-Okla., discussed his new book on conservatism as part of a panel conducted at the University of Minnesota during the Republican convention.
DannyG | September 2, 2008
Ross Douthat of The Atlantic discussed his new book on conservatism as part of a panel conducted at the University of Minnesota during the Republican convention.
DannyG | September 2, 2008
At a panel discussion amid the Republican convention, Sojourners editor Jim Wallis said religious people are realizing that defending the "sanctity of life" means more than opposing abortion. Other issues: poverty, AIDS and war.
DannyG | September 2, 2008
Did Democrats soften their platform language on abortion at their convention last week? Or did they actually make their pro-abortion stance stronger? A panel of religious experts parsed the language amid the GOP convention.