Stephen Gutowski | October 23, 2009
From misterdregs: This is a lyric from a good friend, Dr. B, about a government takeover of healthcare. It was inspired by the stories coming from the Oregon state system that denied advanced treatment to cancer patients, but rather callously reminded them that a full range of palliative care was available, including physician-assisted suicide.
Stephen Gutowski | October 23, 2009
On October 14, Lord Christopher Monckton gave a presentation in St. Paul, MN on the subject of global warming. In this 4-minute excerpt from his speech, he issues a dire warning to all Americans regarding the United Nations Climate Change Treaty that is scheduled to be signed in Copenhagen in December 2009.
Stephen Gutowski | October 23, 2009
THOMAS PAINE argues for a restoration of the common bond over diversity
Stephen Gutowski | October 21, 2009
Larry goes to the market
Stephen Gutowski | October 20, 2009
During a speech at Harvard University in 2007 Kathleen Sebelius, the current Department of Health and Human Services Secretary, said that she is all for a single payer system eventually. Given the fact that she is supposed to be the person to establish a "level playing field" between a government insurance plan and private insurance this video is indeed disturbing.
Stephen Gutowski | October 19, 2009
An exploration of exactly what civil dialog is using seasoned legumes and cheddar cheese... (This is a video I made last year for a video contest at my school)
Stephen Gutowski | October 16, 2009
What ever happened to the '70s... they we're so hilarious and yet they are no more
Stephen Gutowski | October 14, 2009
From the Independence Institute: Is Big Government Health Care Reform what America needs?
Stephen Gutowski | October 13, 2009
In a video clipped by MidNightRunner2001 President Barack Obama's nominee Chai R. Feldblum for the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission proclaims that, "Gay sex is morally good." Further in the video she suggests the government has a duty to promote homosexuality, and it is as good as heterosexuality.
Stephen Gutowski | October 9, 2009
Fox News gets Republican Senator Orin Hatch's response to President Obama's Nobel Peach Prize