Stephen Gutowski | August 7, 2009
A man selling Dont Tread On Me flags was attacked by SEIU members outside of Democrat Russ Carnahan's townhall.
Stephen Gutowski | August 7, 2009
ACORN gets police to keep Obamacare opponents from speaking to anybody... even those who want to talk with them.
Stephen Gutowski | August 6, 2009
The situation boils over as 1000s are shut out of a townhall meeting with Democrat Kathy Castor. Angry people on both sides yell at each other.
Stephen Gutowski | August 6, 2009
An extremely harsh confrontation broke out at a townhall featuring Democrat Kathy Castor. There are even some reports of pushing and fighting.
Stephen Gutowski | August 6, 2009
More than 1,000 people are locked out of a townhall with Democrat Russ Carnahan while SEIU members are allowed inside.
Stephen Gutowski | August 6, 2009
More citizens give their opinions on Obamacare
Stephen Gutowski | August 6, 2009
Protesters express their opposition to Obamacare
Stephen Gutowski | August 6, 2009
A man gives his reasons for opposing Obamacare
Stephen Gutowski | August 6, 2009
AARP completely disrespects its members and refuses to listen to them
Stephen Gutowski | August 6, 2009
Local Tv reports on a local town hall meeting where constituents express their opposition to Obamacare