Joe Schoffstall | September 24, 2012
A footballer picks up the grenade thinking it is debris during a local derby in Isfahan, Iran and drops it moments before it explodes.(h/t itnnews)
Joe Schoffstall | September 24, 2012
A reporter challenged White House Press Secretary Jay Carney on this statement, saying that it was minimizing the violent death of U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three others.Carney called the assertion, "desperate and offensive."BACKGROUND INFO: Obama describes murder of U.S. ambassador to Libya and Mid East violence as 'bumps in the road'Via Fox Nation 
Joe Schoffstall | September 21, 2012
Sen. Scott Brown (R-Mass.) at Thursday's debate with Elizabeth Warren: I think character is important. I think what you’re referring to is the fact that Professor Warren claimed that she was a Native American, a person of color, and as you can see, she’s not. That being said, she checked the box and she had an opportunity actually to make a decision throughout her career when she applied to Penn…
Joe Schoffstall | September 20, 2012
In 2001, then Illinois State Senator Barack Obama appeared on Chicago's WBEZ radio program and spoke of how it's okay to bring "economic change through the courts."Excerpt:"If you look at the victories and failures of the civil rights movement and its litigation strategy in the court. I think where it succeeded was to invest formal rights in previously dispossessed people, so that now I would…
Joe Schoffstall | September 19, 2012
 (via Atlas Shrugs) During the demonstration which was held in front of the American Embassy in Cairo on Tuesday, 9/11, a Muslim cleric named Abu Islam tore and burned the Holy Bible in front of thousands of Muslims. His action was met with applause and anti-Christian cheers from the demonstrators. Before leaving the demonstration and getting into his car, he told the crowds "next time I will…
Joe Schoffstall | September 18, 2012
Undercover videos of Republican Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney shot in May are now making their way around the internet. The footage was recorded at a private fundraiser in the home of Marc Leder in Boca Raton, Florida. Florida is a two party consent state which raises the question, is this a legal recording?The Citizen Media Law Project describes Florida's two party consent law as follows:…
Joe Schoffstall | September 17, 2012
Allen West Calls Susan Rice 'Asinine, Borderline Ignorant'.(Via Fox Nation)
Joe Schoffstall | September 13, 2012
Via Fox Nation:Elizabeth Hasselbeck fought back claims that the Republican Party is in trouble of losing the election on Thursday's, 'The View.' WHOOPI GOLDBERG: Mitt Romney is getting alot of criticism lately from high profile conservatives. They're talking heads as we know, Laura Ingraham, she says and I quote, "If you can't beat Obama in this environment, then shut down the party."Rush…
Joe Schoffstall | August 24, 2012
Rep. Danny Davis (D-IL) weighed in on Tropical Storm Isaac and said the storm threatening the Republican National Convention in Tampa means "the gods" are favoring Democrats.He said:“Well, it means that the gods are favoring Democrats. Not that we wish any kind of difficulty in terms of the weather. But you know you take the bitter with the sweet. And if you can get a little sweetness without…
Joe Schoffstall | August 22, 2012
 Fox Nation Writes:Interview from The Laura Ingraham Show, August 22, 2012CHUCK TODD, NBC NEWS CHIEF WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDANT: I’ve always believed that the real media bias is geographic.  I’ve always believed that. It is because the media-industrial complex is located in New York City.  That’s why there are cultural biases built into the media. I’ve always believed that, but it’s less political…