
Tim Graham is executive editor of NewsBusters. 

Tim Graham | June 14, 2023
 On June 10, CNN weekend host Michael Smerconish spoke unlike the rest of CNN on the Hunter Biden probe. “It's inexcusable that such an uncomplicated case is still unresolved. And it's true that legacy media show zero appetite to pursue questions about possible financial entanglements between Hunter and the President.”
Tim Graham | June 14, 2023
CNN legal analyst Elle Honig, no Trump fan, slammed the Justice Department on the Hunter Biden probe. “This is preposterous,” he said. “This has been pending, according to our reporting at CNN, since 2018, five years,” all about some tax questions and whether Hunter lied on a gun form. “I mean, that's a five-week investigation."
Tim Graham | June 12, 2023
The PBS Friday night journalist roundtable show Washington Week sounded like State-Run TV as guest host Laura Barron-Lopez touted the “revealing and damning” Trump indictment by Biden’s Justice Department. It was the only topic for the half-hour. She methodically repeated the White House spin on the Justice Department's independence as her own take.
Tim Graham | June 4, 2023
The Democrat and their media bosom buddies never seem to face the bizarre scenario they are pushing for 2024 -- that Donald Trump is a horrible tyrant and threat to democracy who they can't wait to crown as the Republican nominee. Washington Post columnst Jonathan Capehart admitted "I think Democrats are still champing at the bit to run against Donald Trump again."