
Tim Graham is executive editor of NewsBusters. 

Tim Graham | September 22, 2019
Shortly after noon on Saturday at the Polk County Steak Fry in Iowa, Fox News reporter Peter Doocy asked a mild, Brit Hume-esque question to Joe Biden and drew a hostile response, as if Doocy was yelling like Jim Acosta. His primary answer -- that he's never spoken to Hunter Biden about his overseas business dealings -- should sound preposterous to reporters, especially when they wouldn't accept…
Tim Graham | September 15, 2019
The sleazy new sexual-assault allegation against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh in The New York Times spurred sleazy talk from MSNBC contributor Jason Johnson of TheRoot.com on Sunday's AM Joy. He called him "the fifth guy in the gang rape."
Tim Graham | September 14, 2019
Rachel Maddow touted another Trump scandal on September 6, that the Air Force was putting "taxpayer money directly into the president's pocket" by using Glasgow Prestwick Airport near his Turnberry resort in Scotland. But when the Air Force responded to inquiries, the story fell apart.
Tim Graham | September 13, 2019
In his 11th Hour time slot after the ABC debate on Thursday night, MSNBC anchor Brian Williams caused wailing and gnashing of teeth from the Greenpeace gang when he questioned whether the debate tilted too far left on guns and "green jobs," which he said was an insult to blue-collar voters, that fossil fuels will be banned, and then come the promises of new jobs that don't happen.  
Tim Graham | September 12, 2019
MSNBC Last Word host Lawrence O'Donnell expressed his fervent hopes that ousted national security adviser John Bolton will chase "publishing gold" and write a scathing Trump-damaging memoir that comes out before the 2020 election.  
Tim Graham | September 10, 2019
Retiring CBS 60 Minutes correspondent Steve Kroft had zero regrets about his oozy trail of softball interviews with Barack Obama.  Lesley Stahl asked Kroft "Did you ever feel that you should have pushed harder?" Kroft preposterously claimed “I think that that criticism came from the fact that I didn't get angry with him.”
Tim Graham | September 10, 2019
On Tuesday's CNN Tonight, host Don Lemon reveled in the "fascinating anecdotes" of McKay Coppins of The Atlantic, a magazine that glowingly endorsed Hillary Clinton for president last time. This sleazy article on the idiocy of the Trump loaded with anonymous sources was hailed by Lemon....because it made the Trump family look really, really bad.
Tim Graham | September 9, 2019
Fact-checkers hate it when President Trump mocks Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam, who talked about how doctors and parents can decide whether or not an infant can be "resuscitated" after birth....or not. PolitiFact tweeted its earlier "Mostly False" verdict during Trump's speech in Fayetteville, North Carolina on Monday night. 
Tim Graham | September 9, 2019
Axios.com is the liberal "news" website that reported Team Trump would be investigating the media for embarrassing information, sending reporters into conniption fits. Alexi McCammond of Axios certainly sounded like a liberal on the Sunday panel at ABC's This Week with George Stephanopoulos on the fight over private health insurance.
Tim Graham | September 8, 2019
Riffing off an Axios.com report on the September 3 MTP Daily, MSNBC host Chuck Todd compared Team Trump efforts to dig up embarrassing tweets by political reporters to dictatorial regimes like Russia and China.