
Tim Graham is executive editor of NewsBusters. 

Tim Graham | March 5, 2019
On Sunday's 60 Minutes, Steve Kroft celebrated a radical-left lawsuit from child plaintiffs insisting the legislative and executive branches be overruled by judges on "climate change." UCLA law professor Ann Carlson said a win would be "massive" in ending the use of fossil fuels. 
Tim Graham | March 4, 2019
On Sunday night, the BET Social Awards broadcast included a Social Movement Award, which it gave to leftist writer and "Real Justice PAC" founder Shaun King, complete with an "inspirational" video about turning injustice into justice on social media. There was also a "Social Hustle Award," which sounds more like his category
Tim Graham | February 27, 2019
CBS bowed out of live coverage of the Cohen hearing on Wednesday with hot talk. Anchor Norah O'Donnell summarized the "extraordinary" hearing this way: it "might be the most damaging testimony for a president since former White House counsel John Dean testified against President Nixon during the Watergate hearings."  
Tim Graham | February 27, 2019
At the first break of the hearings shortly after noon Eastern time, ABC's George Stephanopoulos insisted Michael Cohen's personal accounts of Trump had "the ring of truth." ABC's Terry Moran said the public's "mindset" may be affected by Cohen testifying that Trump thought stupid people served in the Vietnam War and his son Donald Jr. had the worst judgment. 
Tim Graham | February 21, 2019
On the April 11, 2018 episode of the hip-hop Empire, ABC Good Morning America co-host Robin Roberts was much tougher on fictional Jamal Lyon (played by Jussie Smollett) than she was on Smollett in real life! 
Tim Graham | February 19, 2019
On Sunday's Politics Nation on MSNBC, Rev. Al Sharpton took a stand on the collapsing Jussie Smollett hoax (from an originator of the Tawana Brawley hoax): "The guilty should suffer the maximum. I still maintain that. And if it is found that Smollett and these genetlemen did in some way perpetrated something that is not true, they ought to face accountability to the maximum." 
Tim Graham | February 18, 2019
Pelley began his 60 Minutes interview with Andrew McCabe with this illogical sentence in his introduction: “McCabe is a lifelong Republican who had a sterling 21-year career in the FBI.” Then he suggested he was fired for “allegedly lying to his own agents about a story he leaked to a newspaper.” So how is that a “sterling career”? It’s almost like asserting that Dan Rather had a sterling 44-year…
Tim Graham | February 15, 2019
Minutes after the president's press conference, CNN analyst Kirsten Powers expressed empathy with "Angel moms" who lost children due to crimes by illegal immigrants. But the empathy was quickly cut off by her point that these anecdotes of lost children don't add up to an "emergency." 
Tim Graham | February 5, 2019
Caleb Howe of Mediaite smacked MSNBC host Rachel Maddow for strangely refusing to admit that her collusion speculation about Donald Trump Jr.'s "infamous Trump Tower meeting" collapsed on January 31.