Barbara Boland | March 3, 2015
The sketch is called “The Caliphate and Obama” and shows Obama winkingly expressing disapproval for ISIS and shock at their atrocities, while having drinks with and massaging (literally) the terrorist leader
Barbara Boland | March 3, 2015
“We don’t want anything from you; Game over Obama! Egyptians are well aware of your relationship with ISIS and Hamas! You said, ‘as-salamu alaykum’ [peace be upon you] and tried to fool us, but you just came in order to divide us. Everything is crystal clear now; you have been exposed, Obama! Explain that to your dear Qatar, as well as [Turkish President] Erdogan. Make it clear to Erdogan you…
Barbara Boland | March 3, 2015
An MRCTV exclusive report Obama is called a friend to terrorists in an Iraqi comedy, Egyptian pop song, and Saudi op-ed. "President Obama" calls the Islamic State (ISIS) caliphate "my friend and ally" in a mocking comedic Youtube parody posted on the purported Facebook community page of the Iraq Army and Military Academy. The sketch is called “The Caliphate and Obama” and shows the character…
Barbara Boland | March 3, 2015
Comedian Stephen Colbert is most famous for his show The Colbert Report and for being chosen to replace David Letterman on “The Late Show” – but not everyone knows that he is also a practicing Catholic and has been a CCD (religious instruction) teacher. Colbert revealed to Father James Martin in an interview for the Catholic magazine America who his favorite saint is, what he’d ask Pope Francis…
Barbara Boland | March 3, 2015
Hillary Clinton used her personal email account to conduct government business, and her aides did not preserve those emails as required by the Federal Records Act, a House committee investigating the Benghazi consulate attack uncovered and The New York Times first reported. Throughout her entire four-year stint at the State Department, Clinton did not have a government email address. From The…
Barbara Boland | March 2, 2015
From Thursday morning until this Monday afternoon, no one could log in to or sign petitions on the website. The White House petition site allows citizens to make the government aware of their concerns. The Obama administration has promised to officially respond to any petitions that garner 100,000 signatures within a month’s time. The process on the petition site is fairly simple…
Barbara Boland | March 2, 2015
“Iran envelopes the entire world in its tentacles of terror,” said Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to the approximately 16,000 people gathered at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) conference.  “Imagine what Iran would do with nuclear weapons. And this same Iran vows to annihilate Israel.” “If it develops nuclear weapons, it would have the means to achieve that goal,” he said…
Barbara Boland | March 2, 2015
The fight against ISIS “has to be unified” and bring “Muslims, Christians, and other religions” together in “a third World War by other means,” said King Abdullah II of Jordan in an interview with CNN’s Fareed Zakaria Sunday.  In response to a question from host Fareed Zakaria, Abdullah said that Obama is right to not label ISIS “Islamic extremists” because “what these people want is to be…