Barbara Boland | March 10, 2015
At school one day, a little boy told the four-year old little girl in this viral video that she looks ugly. Her response? “I didn’t come here to make fashion statements, I came here to learn, not look pretty.” He responded by telling her she looks “bad.” Watch the viral video for the rest of her sassy takedown.  
Barbara Boland | March 9, 2015
“Shut up, so I can talk” is never a good way to ingratiate yourself with a TV host, but London-based Islamist cleric Hani Al-Seba’i actually said this during an interview with female reporter Rima Karaki for Al-Jadeed/New TV Lebanon. He went on to say, “It is beneath me to be interviewed by you.” She tells him, “There is mutual respect, or this conversation is over.” He’s a radical Islamist so…
Barbara Boland | March 6, 2015
This week, it emerged that Hillary Clinton may have violated the law by using a secret, private email account with servers run out of the basement of her New York home while she served as Secretary of State -- even though when candidate Hillary was preparing for her 2008 bid for the White House, she attacked George W. Bush's use of "secret wiretaps...secret military tribunals [and] secret White…
Barbara Boland | March 6, 2015
A displaced persons camp in northern Iraq near Kurdistan Her family has been living four months in a camp for displaced persons after they lost their home in Qarakosh, Iraq to ISIS – yet 10-year-old Myriam’s beautiful, unearthly faith and forgiveness in the face of tragedy bring tears to the eyes of the reporter interviewing her. In August, hundreds of thousands of Iraqi Christians fled…
Barbara Boland | March 6, 2015
“They’ve been playing a shell game with us,” said Tom Fitton, President of Judicial Watch, about the tactics the State Department has used to conceal Hillary Clinton’s records. He was interviewed on Megyn Kelly’s show last night to discuss the possible legal ramifications of the discovery that Hillary Clinton used a private email account and server during her four-year term as Secretary of State…
Barbara Boland | March 6, 2015
"There are men in jail right now for doing less than what i think Mrs. Clinton clearly has frankly admitted to doing which is setting up on purpose a secret account that no one could look at even though it was for government business," said Tom Fitton, President of Judicial Watch.
Barbara Boland | March 5, 2015
The Department of Justice’s (DOJ) report on the summer tragedy in Ferugson, Mo. makes a troubling and largely unreported charge: the Ferguson police department “routinely violates the Constitution and federal law” due to "the combination of Ferguson’s focus on generating revenue over public safety, along with racial bias.” While the first of the report’s findings, that there was not enough…
Barbara Boland | March 5, 2015
Most Americans believe the government of President Barack Obama has helped the rich, and believe it’s done “little or nothing to help” the poor or middle class, according to a Pew Research Center poll released yesterday. 72% believe the government’s policies have “done little or nothing to help middle class people;” 68% believe Obama’s policies have provided little or no help for small…
Barbara Boland | March 5, 2015
Before Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech had ended, the internet was already meme-ing Sen. Rand Paul’s (R-Ky.) “slow clap.” Paul’s critics called his clap lifeless, unenthused, and sedate – a sign of his anti-Israel stance, they said. Paul was asked about National Review’s criticism of the “slow clap” on Fox and Friends. Watch the clip for Paul’s response.   Watch the latest video…
Barbara Boland | March 4, 2015
A Romanian hacker currently imprisoned in Bucharest (alias "Guccifer") is responsible for exposing Hillary Clinton’s secret use of a private email account to the world, and Clinton registered the domain “clintonemails.com” the day she was confirmed to be Secretary of State. Clinton used only this email address (hdr22@clintonemail.com) for her entire four-year tenure at the State Department. How…